My Course Promise

In this digital course, you will go from blah to A-HA! Through a mix of creative projects, beautiful presentations, workbooks and the BEST curated information on creativity and wellness, you will enjoy a renewed energy that truly raises your vibe. That's my promise!

This course is for you if you are:

  • A corporate employee that’s been at ‘it’ for awhile

  • A mid-career professional that has a solid job, good experience but feels remorse that ‘this is it?’

  • Someone who constantly puts their creativity ‘on hold’ in order to do their ‘real’ work

  • A rule follower that chalked up a bunch of degrees, took a great job offer right out of the gates and has never really taken a break

  • A self-described people pleaser that puts everyone else first with never enough time left for yourself

  • A little bored and looking for something creative to sink your teeth into

A peek inside 6 Weeks to Creative Wellness

    1. Module 1 PDF

    2. Lesson 1: Creative wellness, creative leaves and why you're here

    3. Lesson 2: My Story and why I'm so into creative leaves

    4. Lesson 3: What is creative wellness?

    5. Lesson 4: What is a creative leave?

    6. Lesson 5: Sucess looks like 6 things in 6 weeks

    7. Lesson 6: How to get permission from your supervisor and HR to take a leave

    8. Your FIRST COURSE BONUS: Creative Wellness Workbook

    1. Module 2 PDF

    2. Lesson 1 : How and WHY we organize and simplify in order to unlock your creativity

    3. Lesson 2: 8 things to start with this week

    4. Lesson 3: Focus without distractions

    5. Lesson 4: My fave resources to do all of this better (and without overwhelm)

    1. Module 3 PDF (includes SURPRISE BONUSES!)

    2. Lesson 1: Create with your what and why in mind. Plus get ready to make your first project this week.

    3. Lesson 2: It's time for something tactile. Circular weaving.

    4. Lesson 3: Let's talk inspiration, budget & next week's project supplies (reveal).

    1. Module 4 PDF (with MORE SURPRISE BONUSES!)

    2. Lesson 1: Mindset

    3. Lesson 2: Making ... baskets! 2 types!

    4. Lesson 3: Manifestation

    5. Lesson 4: Bringing it back to the break

    1. Module 5 PDF

    2. Lesson 1: A heritage moment: The Story in Art

    3. Lesson 2: You'll be hooked!

    4. Lesson 3: Making and breaking - the 2 beautiful ingredients for your self-care

    1. Module 6 PDF

    2. Lesson 1: Creative mojo rising

    3. Lesson 2: Move it, baby!

    4. Lesson 3: Going bigger than yourself ... community!

    5. Lesson 4: It's still (always) about mindfulness

    6. Lesson 5: Commit. Onward.

    7. FINAL BONUS! Your Simple, Creative Roadmap

About this course

  • 33 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content
  • Content is yours forever
  • 6 Bonuses!
  • 7 creative projects inside!

Hi! I'm Carmen.

And I can help you feel better, starting today, with a focus on creativity.

Carmen Bohn

Designer, Educator, Creative Wellness Advocate

A few years ago, I was caught on a endless string of work calls while mindlessly clicking all over my inbox. I caught myself daydreaming about what I would do if I had more control of my every day, lingering on thoughts of how to nurture my creativity. You see, my creativity is my happy place. And even if you can't relate (just yet), let me tell you more. Over the years, especially while raising young children and working a more-than-full-time job, creative time always seemed to sink pretty low on the priority list. I was constantly trying to move it up, somewhere at least above ‘reschedule dentist appointments’ and ‘organize kids school art portfolios’. I knew that when I could actually etch out some time for my creative self-care, I often felt better. More calm, positive and balanced. It was with all of this in mind that I started to find moments in my day when I could do something (anything) to call in my creativity. I started to build practices that seemed so small as to be insignificant. But, over time and with continued devotion, those seemingly insignificant actions started to add up. Not only did I start to really feel the positive effects of adding intentional creative time into my everyday, I started to teach others how to do this too. This course is the product of years of devoted and careful attention to creative practice. I continue on this creative journey - for self-care, creative self-expression, peace and connection - daily. I have put my heart and soul into this course and all the tools, projects and resources within. I hope you will join me. I'll see you inside. - Carmen

Psst, a little secret: I designed this course for ME.

6 Weeks to Creative Wellness is the course I needed a few years ago when I was burned out and looking for something - anything - to help get me back on track. This course contains YEARS of experience, my love for all things creative (and aesthetically interesting), curation of the best tools and resources (need some new podcasts, books and cool people to follow? I've got you!), all wrapped up in a beautiful and functional digital course. And all you have to do is sign up to get in on it!

Swipe right for rave reviews from happy students

Don't just take my word for it. This course is a good thing!

“You are a great teacher and create a fun, welcoming, and encouraging space to learn something new.”


“So much of what you’re teaching in the modules hits home for me. Your voice is very soothing. I was listening to Module 4 – Lesson 3 about manifestation on the way to work this morning and it was so calming to have you explain it with stories and examples.”


“I’ve read many of your recommended articles, followed a few new people on Instagram and cued up a number of your recommended podcasts. These curated lists are very valuable to me!”


“You are a true inspiration to me and I am ever grateful that you have shared your wisdom and learning with me through this course. I know there’s more good things to come and I look forward to revisiting aspects of the modules that really resonated with me.”


“When I signed up for this course, I didn't actually know HOW much I needed something like this. But after a few lessons, I started looking forward to the moment's when I could 'steal' away to listen, write in one of my workbooks and eventually pick up one of the projects I've learned. Love it all - thank you, Carmen!”


“I'm new to digital courses and this one was so easy to navigate. I love that I could come back to it whenever I had a minute. My old school self still loved printing out the workbooks and PDFs and I now have a good binder of lovely printouts to refer to.”


Unlock your creative potential, starting RIGHT NOW

Jump in when you like, skip around, make some things, do some writing, listen to some of my pep talks. It's all yours for just $397!

A deeper dive into the course modules ...

Looking for more information about what you'll actually discover inside the course?

I understand you. You're not yet sure this is the course for you. After all, you have your eye on a few other courses you'd like to take and you have a bunch of unused subscriptions piling up charges on your bank account. So, what makes this one different? Press the button below to create an account. You can then grab 2 lessons AND one of my lovely workbooks - for FREE!

Module 1: It's all about Creative Wellness.

6 video lessons, 2 PDF workbooks

Module Highlights:

  • We start the course with an exploration of creativity and wellness - together! 

  • Next, we adventure into the world of taking a break to refresh our creativity (AKA creative leaves). We’ll talk about what else they have been called through the ages.

  • My story and why I’m so into creative wellness and taking creative leaves.

  • What to expect (and what NOT to expect) from your creative wellness journey.

  • A word about the Great Resignation and how this factors into a course on creative wellness.

  • 6 things in 6 weeks - how to commit and make it stick.

  • Administratively speaking, how to get permission to take a break from work (including templates and even the exact words I used to get approval).

Module 2: Clean Space, Clear Mind.

4 video lessons, 1 PDF workbook

Module Highlights:

  • With so many tools for unlocking your creativity, how do you choose? I’m here to help.

  • With a focus on a clean and organized space, we can create a mind ready to be more creative. Here’s the step by step.

  • How to focus with distractions? Yes, WITH. Here’s how.

  • My favourite books and podcasts to do all of this better and move into a more creative and abundant space with a clear mind.

Module 3: Our First Making Module.

3 video lessons, 1 PDF workbook, project tutorials, 2 SURPRISE bonuses

Module Highlights:

  • Creative project examples from my own experience (the good AND the bad!).

  • Research and evidence that this is good stuff.

  • Going deep with discussion and journal prompts as we explore childlike wonder, curiosity and what holds us back as adults.

  • We make something new and interesting that will have you hooked (I bring out my top rated classes and give you the best of what I have taught that I know you will love).

  • Other ideas for making things similar to this week's project.

Module 4: Mindset, Making & Manifestation

4 video lessons, 1 PDF workbook

Module Highlights:

  • Research on mindset and a few more tools that will help

  • Going deeper with some journal prompts

  • We discuss how you are feeling in week 4 of this creative journey - what else would help? Where are you at? What do you need?

  • We make useful and fun baskets (2 types!)

  • I give you other ideas for making things similar to this project (perhaps give them another bonus project - crocheted rope bowl?)
  • Reveal of supplies and project for Module 5!

Module 5: Let's Make More Stuff!

3 video lessons, 1 PDF workbook, project tutorials

Module Highlights:

  • I take you on a short review of some key concepts from the course so far, while we get ready to hang out and make something else that is new and interesting that will have you 'hooked'
  • I’ll give you other ideas for making things similar to this project

Module 6: Move, Connect, Commit.

5 video lessons, 2 PDF workbooks

Module Highlights:

  • A really nice overview and visual miscellany of creative tools from the past 5 weeks is yours to keep and guide you on your creative journey!

  • How we move and simple things to try.

  • Going bigger than yourself to tap into your creativity in a really feel good way.

  • All the mindfulness tools that I can cram into one lesson.

  • What’s on my reading list?

  • The simple truth about commitment.

What kinds of creative projects will you make throughout this digital course?

Project photos are sprinkled throughout this page, so scroll up and down to get a sense of all the making you will do. In addition to aesthetic appeal, I choose the projects I teach based on the following criteria:

  • Functional

    I teach projects that are fun, beginner-friendly, calming and functional. At least one of the projects you will learn in this digital course will be useful in producing something that not only LOOKS great but can be useful, too!

  • Meditational

    Learning a new skill that can also calm you down is another of the key factors I use to determine what I teach. ALL of the projects you will learn in this digital course (and there are 7 of them!) will help you to get still, breathe deep and enjoy the act of making.

  • Fun

    If a project isn't fun, it's out! I'm on a mission to share the joy of creativity. The projects in this digital course are the right mix of skill-building, colour inspiration and things you will want to come back to time and time again because they are really fun to make!

Bonus material

Included in the 'price of admission' are all of these SWEET treats!

  • Bonus #1: Creative Wellness Workbook

    $250 value

    This beautifully designed workbook is yours to print and use extensively as you begin your creative wellness journey with me. It's 10 pages of tools and tips to get you going in the right (creative) direction.

  • Bonus #2: Your Simple Creative Roadmap

    $250 value

    This lovely 14-page workbook will help you continue your creative journey, with only the best advice and tactics that I've used in my career and life. No filler just for effect!

  • SURPRISE Bonuses!


    Throughout the course, I keep the element of delight and surprise high while revealing 4 (yes, FOUR!) other surprise bonuses ... just for you!


  • Do I have to ‘show up’ for each module or can I buy the course right now and take it later?

    This is an online course that you can take whenever you like (aka asynchronous). You will have lifetime access to the course.

  • Do you have anything that will help me to understand what a creative leave is before I buy this class?

    In the simplest of terms, a creative leave is a proactive wellness strategy focused on creativity during a planned break from one’s day job. You DO NOT have to be on a break or even planning a break from your job in order to get maximum benefit from this course. I intend to help you understand why taking a leave is something you should (and will) want to prioritize for your own wellness.

  • Can I share this course with a friend and work through it together?

    Um, no. When you enroll in the course you have purchased one license to the content. If your friend wants to enjoy the content, I would love to welcome them into the course with their own registration.

  • Can you really teach creativity virtually?

    YES! And I do, regularly! I'm an adult educator and learning designer as well as an artist and workshop instructor so I have the skills to make your experience excellent (try me!).

  • I’ve never been a creative person. Is this class for me?

    This question comes up a lot! You are EXACTLY the person I hope finds this class, takes this class and benefits greatly from this class. I believe everyone is creative and it is my great pleasure to find and encourage everyone's creative spark. So, yes, this class is for you, my supposedly not creative friend!

  • Can I take a peek at some of the content before I purchase?

    Sure! There are 2 lessons available completely FREE for preview, if you want to get a sense of the video content. If you want to see some examples of my digital workbooks, reach out to me and I'll happily send one over to you: [email protected]

  • Are there any prerequisites for taking this course?

    The only prerequisite is your willingness to BELIEVE that you ARE creative. Other than that, the course is suitable for anyone looking for a greater degree of creativity in their daily life and some outlets that will make them feel better.

  • Do I get access to the course all at once?

    Each module can be accessed upon completion of the preceding module. This means that once you have marked each lesson and module complete, the next one will be unlocked and available for your consumption. All content is yours forever.

  • I feel a little burned out by all the Zoom calls and classes I’ve had in the last few years. Any chance you’ll offer this again in the future but in person?

    Anything is possible but at this point, no, I won't be offering this particular course in-person. I do offer in-person retreats and workshops, though, and you can find all the details about my offerings and how to work with me at

Don't miss this chance to do something for YOU.

Get started TODAY. It's simple. Just press the button below, create a user and get your 2 FREE lessons and 1 workbook. If you like what you have experienced, jump into the full course for just $397. See you inside!

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